Tuesday 16 August 2011

All the colours of the rainbow...

My worry over getting the bandages off was unfounded, it hurt but really it was just like getting any other sticky plaster pulled off. The nurse remarked that I must have a really high pain threshold because most people complain and cry getting the bandages off. She also asked about how well I went in labour and said that she used to be a midwife and that you can always tell how well people will recover from surgery based on how well they do in labour. Maybe I will consider a tummy tuck after all!

The worry over what my boobs would look like was also unfounded, they look fine- sure the skin is iridescent, but they aren't the Frankenstein boobies that I was worried about. I'm trying to get some good pictures of the red and purple bruising along with the brightest yellow skin I have ever seen.

The surgeon is really happy with the size and symmetry and thinks I will be really happy with the shape. I agree, even at this early stage they are starting to look pretty fantastic.

I have to admit that while I like the fact that the itchy bandages have gone, I do miss the extra support of them. I had an awful experience getting into the car today- I could have sworn that something inside my left breast popped and was bleeding. It was excruciating!

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